
SecuritySurchargeDescription:Onlyapplyingtoairfreight,thissurchargecoversadditionalsecuritymeasuresmandatedbytheairportauthority.,大量翻译例句关于securitysurcharge–英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。,FuelSurcharge.燃料附加費.SS.SecuritySurcharge.安檢費.AllIn.AllIn.全含.DDU.DeliveredDutyUnpaid.Todoor不含稅.DDP.DeliveredDutyPaid.Todoor ...,TheTNTDomesticSecuritySurchargeisachargeappliedbyTNTwh...

What is the Security Surcharge?

Security Surcharge Description: Only applying to air freight, this surcharge covers additional security measures mandated by the airport authority.

security surcharge - 英中

大量翻译例句关于security surcharge – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。


Fuel Surcharge. 燃料附加費. SS. Security Surcharge. 安檢費. All In. All In. 全含. DDU. Delivered Duty Unpaid. To door 不含稅. DDP. Delivered Duty Paid. To door ...

Security Surcharges

The TNT Domestic Security Surcharge is a charge applied by TNT which has regard to the security costs associated with freight movements within the Domestic ...

Security Charges

Airports Where security costs are incurred by an airport, the four key ICAO charging principles of non-discrimination, cost-relatedness, transparency and ...


SS, Security Surcharge, 安檢費 ; All In, All In, 全含 ; DAP, Delivered At Terminal, To door 不含稅 ; DDP, Delivered Duty Paid, To door 含稅.

Security Surcharge

The shipping lines charge a Security Surcharge (also known as ISPS surcharge) to cover these costs. A customer might get charged ISPS surcharge in the form ...

什么是安全附加费(SEC)Security Surcharge?

2022年4月1日 — 在航空货物运输的报价中,在运费之外,通常会单独列出燃油附加费和安全附加费。安全附加费在运单(AWB)上通常表示为SCC。SC是Security Charge的简称, ...

security surcharge – 中文翻译

词典论坛联络. Google | Forvo | +. 短语. security surcharge · 展览 · 安全附加费. security surcharge: 1 短语, 1 学科. 后勤, 1. 增加 | 报告错误 | 获取短网址 | 语言 ...

Security surcharge (SSC)

Security surcharge (SSC). A security infrastructure fee charged by airlines above and beyond their base rates.